who are you?


Name: Konstantinas Martynas Zemaitis
Nickname: “Kon” | “K8-028”
Age: ???
Physical Age: ~30-40
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Orientation: Questioning
Place of Origin: Earth

Primary Class: Scout
Secondary Class: Intelligence
+3 when running, chasing or evading
Snow Bunny
+3 to all rolls in the cold, ice or snow
+2 to all speed rolls
+2 to all attacks using guns, causes bleed if successful. Does not have a cooldown time.
When activated, this trait nullifies any other active traits/buffs for one round, meaning all players and enemies roll a flat D20. One time use. Bonuses are restored the following round.
Locked On
Enemies cannot evade close range or long range attacks for two turns. Only applies to this user.

Equipment & Weaponry:
- Sledge Hammer
- Lighter
- Small Rubber Band Guitar
- Backpack
- Old Bang Snappers
- Pressed Flower (Red Poppy)
Additional special training or skills:
Knot Tying

personal information

PERSONALITY+ Decisive | + Perceptive | + Hardworking
- Aggressive | - Anxious | - Abrasive
/ Self Reliant | / Forceful | / Emotional
Konstantinas is a complex individual in every single way possible. One of his biggest positives is his decisiveness, which allows him to make quick and effective choices when needed. This is complemented by his perceptive nature, as he is able to read his situations and people closely. People would consider Konstantinas someone who's hard working! Even if he seems unenthusiastic about everything around him…though, that hardworking nature can crumble if things go wrong.Konstantinas can be quite forceful in his approach to situations, which may sometimes come across as pushy or too domineering. But, this is balanced out by his self-reliance, as he is able to take charge of a situation and get things done without relying too heavily on others. Relying too hard on anyone has always been a blow to his ego in some way.Adding to that, Konstantinas is a rather emotional individual, which may be good in certain circumstances. But may not always help him well in others. He can be rather explosive and will heavily spiral if not checked.Unfortunately, Konstantinas also has some flaws that can be quite challenging for him and those around him. One of his negatives is his tendency towards heavy aggression, which causes him to be confrontational and quick to anger in certain situations. Which can be exhausting for himself and others.These feelings can be further intensified by his anxiety, which makes him overly stressed and reactive in stressful situations. Konstantinas may sometimes feel hopeless, which can make it difficult for him to see the positive side of anything, even in situations where there may be a glimmer of hope. It feels like that hope is always shattered in some way…Overall, Konstantinas is someone whose baggage weighs heavy on him.


Konstantinas was one of the various unfortunate souls who underwent numerous experiments under an organization called ARES. His body was stressed and pushed beyond its limits within that environment. He was made with one purpose along the line of many others who were like him– he was a tool. Though, what does a doll do when it gains its own free will?The answer was simple– face its own horrors and makers.Though, that came with patience and time. Day in and day out, various people who were like him were replaced with clones. And yet, he remained the golden boy. The one who was “perfect” among them because of his usefulness. That usefulness in turn resulted in him becoming close to a scientist who he soon convinced to betray that organization.A few coordinate drops here, a few secret conversations there, and in the end- it led to a massive raid upon the building. But during the mayhem, Konstantina’s actions came to light. The betrayal came to light. The male was left with terrible injuries throughout his body. He stumbled upon The Road Runners, but– being it wasn’t enough.He found himself searching elsewhere for a sense of purpose. That was Borealis– where he spent most of his life. Though, with the presence of a dangerous force nearby, he decided to relocate.After unfortunate event after unfortunate event, he set out once more and found himself in the presence of Salus. Full of old– and new faces.


Experimentation | Manipulation | Implied SA | Body Mutilation | Existential Crisis

[ Again.It’s time to awake again.And this time.Will be the last one. ]

ARESThe same song and dance has happened over and over again. There’s a bright light, there’s people in lab coats surrounding him, and he’s immediately given a name.“K8-028”That was the name of this one. The one that’ll proceed to do what the others couldn’t. This man was a clone that refused to be a nameless body in an unremembered room. In the beginning, just like every other version of himself, his anatomy was pushed and tested under various spot lamps. And of course, as an unfeeling doll, he let it happen over and over again.What was he supposed to do? This body, created, belonged to ARES. Or, well, that’s what he believed.Due to optimal suggestions and actions, he quickly became an icon among the other clones. He was able to feign charisma from observing other scientists' interactions with one another. While many guards may seem guarded, some were so much. And it wasn’t long until Kon found himself in the head of a few.Though, his relationship with one scientist was off.[ HIDDEN ]While there were perks to being high valued, there was a horrific downside. At least with the upsides, despite how damaged and confused Konstantinas felt, he was able to operate and function. With himself in the ear of a specific scientist, he was able to convince one to abandon their beliefs about ARES. Overhearing said scientist speak about “home”, and their “past family” who were sent to Earth from mars. They were all written off as “died for their planet”. And yet, numerous signs were out there of them being still alive.So, Konstantinas– with what little knowledge he knew about family– encouraged them to seek out said family. And that he would be of assistance. In that span of time, he discovered more and more about this missing family and how they seemed to be involved in a particularly rough settlement. Though, that was information he kept to himself.That said family turned out to be a part of a rough raid group, one that will be directed straight to ARES with a mysterious tip.For you see, ARES had resources, but they did not.The raid was long and chaotic, everywhere, there was death– screaming– panic. But, for Konstantinas? He was relaxed. Calm. He traversed the halls with knowledge that this was his doing. And, with all the knowledge that he had collected up until now– he purposely seeked out: Files, and his own collected DNA.That was the moment he even discovered the name: Konstantinas.Apparently, Konstantinas was originally a man captured and forced to be a part of the cloning experiment. And now, he is gone. And yet– he was here at the same time. No? With the name Konstantinas now for his own taking, and the DNA taken, he tried his best to destroy what he believed he could. But, now without being seen and caught.Konstantinas barely made it out of ARES in one piece. Various parts of his body seemed to be shattered and horribly mangled. Pure adrenaline pushed him to get out of there, and in the end, he found himself in the hands of the road runners.
His time with the roadrunners didn’t last very long. Only about a year or two before his feet were hitting the road once more. No matter how close he found himself to anyone there, it wasn’t the same. And even the people he /did/ get close to, he found himself constantly paranoid of them. The male was clearly not stable enough without ARES now, that was the truth.
He had so much paranoia, guilt, grief, and trauma to work through. And unfortunately, he thought this was the best way to handle it.Leaving.~ 3 YearsSo, after a final dinner with the group, he set out. His travels from there were far and wide, finding himself in a few settlements on the way. Some accepting, some– not so much. It didn’t help that he had a poor attitude as well. But, in some of those places, he did meet rather…kind people. Those who were willing to aid him– and try to understand. Even if they never truly did.Throughout that time span, Konstantinas received body modifier after body modifier. His still damaged jaw and his damaged arms specifically. He even got normal body mods for fun! Every new part of his body felt like his own.He felt like he had control over it for once.------------------BOREALIS~ 4 YearsTraveling out further and further, Konstantinas landed himself in Borealis. A little place hidden off from the average eye. It was so carefully tucked in and– rather, lovely, that…he didn’t leave for quite some time. Sure, there were disappearances left and right. And there might’ve been a very dangerous settlement nearby named EDEN, but that’s.Fine.Even if he met one of the members before while injured, by himself, believing that he was finally dying alone. Maybe it was that near death experience that sent him back out of Borealis.And soon, at the entrance of Salus.

PHYSICAL PROFILEHeight: 6’ 4” / 193 cm
Weight: 200 lbs
Blood type: AB
Appearance:- Black/White Hair
- Pale Skin
- Beauty Marks
- Tattoo on forehead
- Scars littered about the body
Medical Notes:- Blind in right eye
- Clipped Left Ear
- Metal Jaw
- Metal Arms

Psychological Notes:
Suffering from cPTSD
Hyper Aggressive
Very Violent
Soft Animals
Baked Goods
Having Friends
Loud Noises
Trusting Others